Central Park - one of the greatest masterpieces of engineering in American history, and one of NYC’s most iconic places. It’s the mecca of tourist destinations with over 40 million annual visitors. It covers nearly 112 city blocks which is 843 acres, 6% total of Manhattan Island.
Pedicabs are the best way to see Central park, it has revolutionized the way tourists explore. Designed to transport up to three passengers, it gives the ability to hop on & hop off for photos. The driver is also your tour guide who will introduce you to the history of the park, show you movie scene locations, homes of the wealthiest and most famous American families and architecture design in and around the park.
It’s a fresh approach for people who don’t want to do the walking or biking uphills and downhills, which leads to sweating, or for those who just don’t feel comfortable being pulled by a horse. The pedicab tours come in two loops, one hour and two hours, but most of them are concentrated on Central park sightseeing in the hour loop. During the winter blankets are provided to keep you warm during the tour.